Property name:
19th January - Epiphany -
Baptism of Lake Ohrid water
5th February - Prlichev's
orations - days of the Ohrid poet Grigor Prlichev
10th June - ECO festival -
international festival of ecology and cultural tourism
21st June Day of Lake
Jun 26th - Jul 2nd - Festival of French Film in Ohrid
2nd August - International
sailing regatta held on occasion of Ilinden, national and state holiday
15 th August - Macedonian
Language, Literature and Culture Seminar - gathering of linguists from all over
the world Best Replica Watches
30th August - Ohrid Fest -
international festival of pop and folk music
8th December -
Municipality day, feast day of St. Kliment of Ohrid, protector and patron saint
of the city